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We provide services to cemeteries & mausoleums. We can build to your specific need/design. No job is too small or too big for us.
We carry these in stock and they are used in very specific areas; they can also be used in a select few cemeteries in Queensland on concrete beams.
We cater to a selection of plaques;
Bronze: these are cast, represent excellent value for money, are totally maintenance free and will last for decades.
Granite: we always carry them in stock and are often used in lawn sections.
We have a host of designs and always carry some in stock. A great starting point when wanting a memorial in granite; below are a host of pictures where a single memorial with an appropriately designed headstone can cater to 3 people with significant savings to the clients bottom line. These represent EXCELLENT value for money.
If you wish to make a statement, then these are the ones. Most of these designs are the intellectual property of Beta Memorials. Meet us on site to design something new and exclusive for your loved one.
These are the best in the world. There is no other way to express these structures. Once again, these designs are the intellectual property of Beta Memorials; meet us on site to design something absolutely unique for your family.
These are big statement memorials; these are at the upper end / world class. Once again, these designs are the intellectual property of Beta Memorials; meet us on site to design something unique for your family.
These represent a major part of our business; they also represent excellent value for money.